Main Navigation Menu

Main Navigation Menu #

The Main Navigation Menu in Easyklikk is located in the left side bar of your screen at all times. It contains several sections that allow you to easily navigate through the different features of the application and manage your projects and tasks effectively.

Dashboard #

The Dashboard section is where you can see an overview of all your projects, tasks, meetings, and other items in Easyklikk. You can also view charts and statistics about your time, projects, and invoices.

Feeds #

The Feeds section is where you can create and view feeds, which are updates and messages that you can share with your team members. You can also interact with feeds by commenting, liking, and sharing them.

Inbox #

The Inbox section is where you can access the real-time chat feature in Easyklikk. You can communicate with your team members and discuss projects and tasks in real-time.

Project #

The Project section is where you can create and manage your projects in Easyklikk. You can add team members, assign tasks, track progress, and more.

Meeting #

The Meeting section is where you can schedule and manage your meetings in Easyklikk. You can add details about the meeting, invite attendees, and choose a location for the meeting.

Timesheet #

The Timesheet section is where you can track and manage your time in Easyklikk. You can log hours, view timesheets for individual team members, and manage timesheet categories.

Expenses #

The Expenses section is where you can manage your expenses in Easyklikk. You can add expenses, track expenses by category, and submit expenses for approval.

Invoices #

The Invoices section is where you can manage your invoices in Easyklikk. You can create and send invoices, track payments, and view reports about your invoices.

Best Practices for Using the Main Navigation Menu #

Here are some best practices for using the Main Navigation Menu effectively:

  1. Familiarize yourself with the different sections and features in Easyklikk to make it easier to navigate and manage your projects.
  2. Use the search bar to quickly find the item or feature you need.
  3. Customize the menu by rearranging the sections to prioritize the ones you use the most.
  4. Use the global add button to create new items in Easyklikk without having to navigate to different pages.

By following these best practices and using the Main Navigation Menu effectively, you can manage your projects and tasks in Easyklikk more efficiently and effectively, and get the most out of the application.