Getting Started

 We are constantly up to date on our help system. You will be able easily to navigate through the different categories to get assisted in understanding how each function works. You are always welcome to contact us if you need any further help. 

To change your profile picture go to profile section under my profile and upload your new picture.

To edit your user name go to profile section under my profile and edit your name.

You can edit your Company name from my profile, note that if you are the main administrator of this account, you won’t be able to change the name due this can affect the billing plan (please head to billing section if you need to change any of the company default settings.)

Your email is your default login E-mail and can’t be changed. Contact us if you wish to change your login E-mail address.

To change your password head to change password section from profile dropdown and enter current password along with your new password.

To change what notifications you would like to see on both the system and mail you can tick on or off on notification settings section.

Here you can see your current plan and subscriptions details, you will be able to upgrade to a plan, add or remove user from a plan and also cancel current plan. You also will be able to see a list of invoices of your subscriptions and download them if needed.

To upgrade your current plan, click the upgrade plan button, you will then see a new page with available plans to choose from. Choose preferred plan add total users to subscribe and then hit upgrade button, you will redirect to our payment gateway where you will set up your payment details, you will see an overview of the amount to be paid. hit pay to confirm your payment. An invoice will be issued so you can see it on the system and you will be also able to download.

To cancel current plan click cancel plan, a message will pop up asking if you are sure? click on to continue canceling the plan. 

*Note that you will be able to use the remaining time of your current canceled subscription.